Transformer and Oil Disposal and Recycling

We specialize in the disposal and recycling of transformers and electrical equipment. We offer recycle used transformer oil services. We buy

We buy oil based transformer equipment and electrical equipment. For many years, we have been an industry leader for removing the liability associated with disposal of electrical equipment and dielectric fluid. PCB transformers, PCB oil, as well as Non-PCB equipment are all disposed of safely and in accordance with governmental regulations, removing all of the burden and responsibility from you.

Industrial Surplus World has the ability and knowledge to dispose of oil according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This allows us to recycle oil contaminated with PCBs up to 14,499 ppm PCB. After chemically removing the PCBs from the oil through the PCBX process, we are able to sell the oil back to the market as a blend grade and/or a transformer grade.

Whether it’s dismantling your substation equipment, scheduling rolloffs from an oil spill, or disposing and recycling of your failed transformers, Industrial Surplus World can help you!  Call us today for a fast quote. 1-800-759-6048